Thursday, 15 January 2009

Weird thing happened the other night...

There we were, sleeping away. We have the TV on during the night because we like to have the radio on.
I was just dreaming that I was Jack Bauer and I was asking someone to look for Bill Buchanan and then the alarm went off. I asked my OH what the time was and he said that it was the 6.50 alarm. I didn't feel like I had slept for very long so I looked at the TV through blurry eyes and saw that it said the time was 2.40am. I told my OH this and he didn't believe me. I don't blame him though because he did have the clock right in front of him telling him the time and I had to squint across the room at the TV without my glasses on.
I told him to look at the laptop time and that agreed with me. We then put it onto BBC News 24 and that agreed too.
The strange thing is that it is a radio controlled alarm clock! He took the batteries out and put the back in and then it went back to the correct time.
Off we drifted back to sleep (although, by this time, we had been up for 20 minutes!)
How random.....

So close, dammit... so close....!

I'm really annoyed now. I got into the stupid habit of basically weighing myself everytime I went to the toilet or went past the bathroom! The result being that I saw myself at 14st 13lbs (my first goal) but when I weighed myself this morning for my official weigh-in, I was 15st exactly. Now to be perfectly honest, that is great, but I still wish that I got to that target. I lost another pound though so at least i'm getting there. Slowly but surely. I've only been on this diet for 11 days rather than the 14 that I should have been so in the next 3 days, I probably could get down to that. I have, however told myself that I will not weigh myself until next week Thursday!